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Easy Ways to Help Save Disappearing Bees…

Garden with Wild Flowers

Plant wild flowers in your garden. If you have the room, create cute meadows of wild flowers in your lawn or yard. You can plant wild flower seeds in early spring. Our wild seeds come in packets as well as bags and they look fantastic!

Eat Local

Now is the time to start growing your own pesticide-free fruit & vegetables. Fruit and vegetables not only make a ton of flowers but eating local means you are not contrib-uting to global pesticide use. This helps the bees in your neighbourhood and around the planet. Even a few pots of vegetables outside makes a big difference! If you cannot grow your own, then select as much organic produce as you can while getting the groceries.

Create Habitat

You too can help save the bees! Plant your flowers so that there are flowers from early spring to fall. Use bulbs, perennials, annuals and you can also let your some of your vegetables go to seed.

Build Shelter

Get a bee house and give our native bees some shelter. Bee houses are one of the top sellers last summer, but you can also build a bee nesting site. It is as easy as drilling holes in a log. 

Go Old School

When choosing bee friendly plants, try the old standbys. Simple old fashion flowers are better than highly cultivated ones. Don’t worry about being traditional, these flowers never go out of style. Don’t forget that herbs that flower are the bee’s favorites!

Supply Water

Set out a bowl of water or fill a bird bath, but fill it with gravel, so the little guys don’t drown. Pebbles make it easy for them to get the water without putting them in further danger.

Bee Choosey

Support your local beekeeper. Buy local honey from a beekeeper you trust who cares about their bees.

Grow Au Naturel

If you want to help save the bees, use natural methods of pest control. You might be surprised how many insects birds can control. Put up birdhouses and feeders. For aphids, use ladybugs instead of chemicals as a natural solution. Ladybugs can clear out aphids in no time at all

-greengate Garden Centres SPECIAL OFFER: 10% discount off purchases. Members must show Best My Nest VIP card at time of purchase. Exclusions: Stihl, Big Green Egg, Traeger or Department 56 products.


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