Why All the Hype?
If you look around, LED lighting can be found everywhere; hotels, restaurants, businesses, airports, and perhaps most commonly, within residential properties. For a while, many thought that LED lights were just another trend, but they are undoubtedly here to stay – and for good reason. LED lights have a wealth of important benefits that make them sustainable and attractive lighting options. The fact that they are 80% more efficient than regular bulbs creates a long-term positive impact both financially and environmentally.
Let’s look at the pros and cons of LED lighting from a Calgary electrician’s perspective and help you determine if they are really worth the investment.
Traditional Lighting Solutions
We are all familiar with conventional lighting options such as halogen and incandescent bulbs. They have a short lifespan and are inefficient as most of the energy they produce is lost as heat. These bulbs also pose a risk of overheating and potentially burning nearby objects. In summary, they are short-lived, inefficient, and potentially unsafe.
The compact fluorescent bulb is more energy efficient than their halogen or incandescent counterparts; however, the light they produce tends to diminish quickly, again not proving to be very efficient or convenient.
The Benefits of LED Lighting
LED lighting was commercialized during the 2000s and, since then, has hugely illuminated the lighting market. As previously mentioned, LED bulbs are 80% more efficient. This is because they convert 95% of their energy into light, with only 5% lost as heat. This efficiency dramatically reduces electrical bills, which is ultimately the goal for any homeowner or landlord.
LEDs are very small in size, meaning they can be used in nearly limitless applications. They can be combined to create a line or string of lights, achieving various effects. Their size offers a great range of flexibility when it comes to different lighting designs and uses.
From an environmental standpoint, LED lighting reduces the demand on power plants, ultimately contributing to fewer greenhouse gas emissions. LED bulbs do not have toxic components like the mercury in compact fluorescent bulbs. With a far longer lifespan than conventional alternatives, LED bulbs do not need to be replaced as often – a win for the landfill and your time.
Blog provided by Gravity Electrical Solutions
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