How to make moving stress free – yes it’s possible!
Moving is know as one of the most stressful times in our busy lives, ahead of being laid off and a relationship ending, this is pretty significant of how stressful moving is! I totally get it and I have moved home, country and city more times than I care to remember! Although I had so much fun living in different places and learning about the cultures it has now become a different experience with a young family.
Really important to remember to help make moving as stress free as possible and to get ahead of the moving game is to START EARLY! This may seem pretty straight forward and common sense but most of us tend to put off things we don’t enjoy, or if we know it is going to take away our precious time from doing what we love!
Here are some easy tips and ideas to help you get organized for your move:
1) Start 2 months (if possible or as soon as you know you are moving) before your move by minimizing your items. Be as truthful as you can to yourself and ask the questions Do I love it? Do I really need it? When was the last time I used this? (if it was more than 12mths then you don’t need it as you have gone through all of the seasons)
2) Create a checklist (or grab our checklist to save you some time!) Make sure you write down everything you can think of even the small things.
3) Source and book movers as soon as possible, if you can use one that has been referred to you even better! Make sure to ask all the right questions when looking for movers i.e Are you insured and bondable? Availability (don’t assume they will be available the day you need them) ? Do you have references? If you are wanting to have the movers pack for you make sure you feel comfortable with this service – I would recommend looking into using Professional Organizers as they can help with the before stage as well by getting your home ready for sale, pack and unpack.
3) Assign tasks to all family members! Don’t take on all of the burden yourself. Even if you have smaller kids – get them involved by getting them to start minimizing their toys, art work and clothes.
4) Start to use up all the food in the freezer. This part can often be forgotten so good idea to start 4-6 weeks prior to the move so you don’t have to worry about transporting it or don’t have to throw any food away.
5) Make sure you send a change of address to all important documents and school’s, pre-school, day-care transfers, utilities, banks, doctor, dentist, drivers license and registration to name a few
6) Complete a floor plan of your new home for furniture placement and measure the spaces to ensure your furniture will fit, particularly the fridge. Will large items fit through doors? If you find you have furniture that wont fit your new floor plan now is a good time to sell or donate these items.
7) Create a folder for all your moving documents. This way any member of the family will have access to it and know what dates and times things are happening.
There are many more items to be done when moving and as mentioned above we have a very thorough checklist for you to grab for free and starts at 4-6 weeks prior to moving day! You can also check out my live interview that I did with CIR REALTY on how to get your home ready for sale and some other great advicehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8toBAExPxRk&t=227s
Good luck with your move and I hope you are excited about moving into a new home and new beginnings!
-The Space Reclaimers
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