The sun gives one kind of light. The moon another. And so goes the story of BoConcept’s landscape of lamps. Some are suited for relaxing moments. Others for workspaces. No matter the purpose, functionality and aesthetics j
oin hands in our beautiful lampscape – giving it up for organic shapes and metallic shades.
Functionality first While sitting in your sofa reading magazines, you will need one kind of light. While lying in bed turning pages in a thriller, you will need another. And when it comes to changing the atmosphere of a room – your needs change once again. By considering functionality carefully when choosing your lighting, you’re in for a much better experience.
Luminous sculptures While some lamps almost seem like small pieces of art, others work wonders in giving a room character. Brass, copper, silver and gold are some of the metallic materials trending right now, and paired with cool or classic lamp designs, their majesticness double. In fact, when being lit from within, they become luminous sculptures that can truly personalize your home.
Christine Thorsteinsson, Collection Manager, Boconcept
