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Care and Cleaning for Window Fashions

The care and cleaning for window fashions is often a hot topic. If you are thinking about cleaning and doing a full overhaul of your home, blinds are something you shouldn’t ignore. The dust that collects on blinds over the course of a full year is something many people will not think twice about. However, if you believe cleanliness is next to godliness then when doing a complete clean there are some basic tips that will help make your clean go smooth and easy.

Dusty Blinds with Fingerprints Whether your blinds are wooden, fabric or vertical you can start doing some basic things to keep the maintenance low.

1. Do not use a plastic duster, the bristles may inadvertently scratch or chip off the finishing on a slat. A wool or feather duster is your best friend. Swiffer Sweeper Dry Pad Refills can be expensive, but work great if you prefer to clean your blinds on regularly.

2.Use a rubber sponge, also known as a dry sponge (found at hardware and paint stores), to remove dust and residue from both fabric and vinyl blinds. Simply wipe the dry sponge firmly across the blinds.

3. When dusting or vacuuming vertical blinds, brush downward to avoid having the slats becoming unhooked from the top component.

4. Vacuum blinds with the brush attachment across the slats, not up and down. Vacuum blinds across, not up and down.

5. For spot cleaning, spray an All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser onto a clean dry cloth and wipe the soiled area of the blind. Never spray the cleaner directly onto the blind.

6. You can wet wooden blinds when cleaning, but don’t soak them. Clean them in place instead of removing them as you would for other types of blinds.

7. If fabric blinds become very dirty, you take them to a dry cleaner or hire a professional to come into your home.

8. Do not try cleaning blinds by spraying them with a car-wash hose, dunking them in the tub or one slat at a time.

9. To clean metal and vinyl blinds, follow this method: take the blinds outside to your patio or driveway and lay them on a small rug or piece of carpet. Put a few drops of dish washing soap in a bucket of water. Wet a car-washing brush and brush the blinds from side to side, and then turn them over and brush the other side. Rinse the blinds gently with a garden hose while tilting them so that the water runs off. To prevent water spots from forming, quickly run your finger down the slats a couple of times to remove excess water. When done, drape the blinds over a fence or a couch to dry.

With lots to consider in terms of product selection as well as warranty and maintenance having a professional help you out is always a great idea. Remember, although often overlooked window coverings can make or break a space, so make sure you know what you’re getting into!


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